DOCUMENTATION of mothers’ Art Class
5 February - 12 Mar 2022
Weekly In Class Reflection
Day 1 - 5 Feb 2022
What did I carry to class?
Stress from having a sick child
Looking to talk about motherhood
What am I taking home?
Thinking about mixing different art mediums to express emotions and thoughts
What did I bring?
hope for connection and expression
confident and supported
What am I carrying?
look for other ways to connect with other moms this week
create and express my feelings
Big hopes -> anxiety
New people -> anxiety
Confidence - I can figure it out. We can figure it out
What am I not seeing
Working through childhood…
Day 2 - 12 Feb 2022
What are you carrying?
Emotions from self love class, working through trauma to better love myself
I need a creative outlet to visualize my pain and how it is healing
What are you taking with you?
I need to get some watercolor supplies
What did I learn?
Once I have a project in mind it is easier to create it.
What am I feeling
tired but also good and excited to be here even though I was late
excited/hopeful for discussions that will happen
Leaving with….
hopeful for future classes, creation & connection
* I would like to do projects with a theme or prompt - open-ended but not too open-ended
Coming In:
Break from kids
Relax -> art work
A lot going on - overwhelmed
Homework, move, kids
Coming in
hoping to make some art
glad we have a plan
glad we made art
glad ______ came
Day 3 - 19 Feb 2022
See Group Brainstorming (GLA for this date below)
Feeling tired (always) and like I have a long to-do list.
Hoping to focus on art and not stress.
I want to create something that expresses some of my feelings/experiences with motherhood.
Day 4 - 26 Feb 2022
What did I bring?
Brain full of ideas on how to create clay model, scattered
What am I taking
More definite idea of how to make the sculpture. I feel like I need to put all of my emotions into the clay.
Coming In
a big sense of inadequacy, in my personality, esp. as a teacher
uncertainty as to when this baby will come
calmer, more certain
more confident in myself
I brought myself + curiosity.
I’m leaving with an experience + time I would otherwise not have had.
<snack on cheese dip for da tortilla chips>
Coming in:
Hopeful about project
excited to have Jas with us
Note: 5 min Body house meditation w/ house project.
Lesson learned: Always ask how to make a safe space with new people.
Day 5 - 5 Mar 2022
I am bringing anxiety from a long week of taking care of a sick child. Frustration of not being able to help heal her.
I am leaving as I came. I enjoyed our conversation, but today I feel that my body and mind need something different.
Bringing In
trying not to get my hopes up that baby will come early
Hoping for
expressing feelings through art
being heard
Leaving With
Coming in I hope we can figure out our safe space and healthy group dynamic.
Unsure what moms need
Feeling like this isn’t it
Day 6 - 12 Mar 2022
I’m bringing in tired from doing too much today
I want to find some inner peace
What is my creative ambition today ?
Learn and create from yesterday’s meditation session
Bringing to class
happy with motherhood
lots going on
busy time of year
ways to better convey motherhood
I’m bringing myself.
Suggestions: starting promptly/on time
or having more timed moments
10-10:15 talk a bit
10:15- 10:30 opening reflection just so ppl know whats going on more accurately at the time
I wanted to explore/have fun making art/creating
Coming in
nervous about group dynamics and new medium
Excited/hopeful about healing connection
Group Brainstorming (Group Level Assessment Style)
From Day 3
19 Feb 2022
Favorite thing to do with kids?
art - coloring or painting*
read books*
go to park*
go swimming
do art with kids
train rides
Dancing & singing
go out as a family
Favorite break from kids?
date night
workout classes
getting nails done
watching Call the Midwife and playing Mini Motorways or eating
Spending one on one time with a good friend
What do you do to connect with your spouse?
movies, talk, sex, kissing, snuggling, gardening*
lunch dates
pillow talk*
date nights
talking about anything & everything*
getting outside together
practice German together
What helps you connect with others?
conversations & food
getting to know them
conversation shared experiences*
doing projects/chores together
eating out
What food do you want in class? Drinks?
Ginger tea & Fruit
Milk chocolate
pretzels/salty snacks**
Diet coke lol
What are your motherhood struggles (seen & unseen)?
navigating motherhood, career, spouse, etc.
not having traditional Utah mothering views
justifying egalitarian roles
enjoying being with my kid or at least not feeling dead inside >_<
Mental health
Physical health
Breaking cultural cycles
Keeping Spanish at home
Balance, taking breaks
What would make the biggest positive difference in your motherhood?
more understanding from classmates, friends, family *
more people a part of my daily routine *
less judgement, more acceptance of my choices
more connection with other moms of all stress
What happy motherhood memories do you have/want to create?
travel with kids
reading together
more imaginative play
more laughter
cooking & creating together
WANT: gardening/time in nature
HAVE: so much snuggles and telling stories and talking, walks, making things
What does self care look like for you?
taking/making the time to plan the day
doing what I need to do to achieve my goals
taking time to have fun (going out with people, shopping)
yoga, therapy, time off school, work, responsibilities
time doing things alone
Resting when I need it
slowing down and being mindful
What art mediums mediums do you want to do?
wood burning?
What kinds of music helps you? (calm/focused)
Latina for jams
chill, folksy; instrumental, piano for focus
happy, upbeat
Taylor Swift
September 2021
What do you need out of this class?